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Confidence is on the other side of reprogramming the conditioning of your subconscious mind. You just have to do the work of reprogramming. 


This self-confidence meditation bundle is designed to reprogram your mind to live in a state of confidence that is authentic to your soul's blueprint. 


During these meditations, you will go through a process of activating body language of confidence, self-awareness and self-reflection, visualization/imagery, self-healing, releasing, breathwork, affirmation declarations, and suggestive therapy to program your subconscious mind with new thoughts. 


Self-confidence is the foundation of EVERYTHING in our life. If we don't have self-confidence, we won't have a good quality of life.


Join us in The Self Confidence Meditation Bundle to help you reconnect to your power, purpose, and truth.


What you'll get:


27-minute Manifesting Self-Confidence Meditation

27-minute Body Positivity Meditation

5 - minute Self-Confidence Reset

Guided Self-Confidence Affirmation Practice

Lifetime Access + Future Updates + New Releases


*Due to the digital nature of this course, no refunds will be given*


You will receive pre-recorded audio right after purchase. Check your email for the link or login to access all of your orders and programs

Self Confidence Meditation Bundle

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