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You Are End Game

Say goodbye to the limitations, face your darkness, and reawaken your power to live a life that reflects your innermost truth. You Are End Game is the ultimate self-help book that inspires you to peel back the layers and return home to yourself.

The only playbook that you need to live by is the one that YOU write. There are no rules or one right way to govern your life but the way that lights you up from the inside out. This book isn't about following specific guidelines to live a successful life; you've already tried everyone else's way. You Are End Game is about helping you create your path. To help you wash away the baggage you've picked up and empower you to trust your inner callings.

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The Emotional Mastery Workbook

Take power over your emotions instead of your emotions having power over you. 

You're human, give yourself a break; emotions are normal. 


You shouldn't live your life afraid of facing your emotions. You also shouldn't spend your life being ruled by the emotional turmoil that lives inside of you. You deserve to know what it feels like to go through life without being crippled by the pain within, being controlled by the emotions that have built up inside of you. 

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