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Stress and overthinking won't solve your problems. Surrender to divine intervention and focus on what you can control: how you respond to life. 


Stress never solves anyone's problem. The only thing stress has ever done is cause anxiety, nervous system disruption, and heart disease. 


We don't want that energy to manifest in our lives. 

Life transforms when you set habits that help you reflect, process, and release what no longer serves you. 


Contrary to popular belief, success happens the night before. Don't bring today into tomorrow unless it serves you. 




Rest is not a luxury that must be earned; rest is an essential need we all must give ourselves. 


We have been conditioned to believe that rest is only for those who have 'made it.' 


Rest is for those who have accomplished their to-do list and met their goals.


Or throw around the statement, "I can rest when I'm dead."




This conditioning is keeping us sick and mentally unwell. 


Rest is VITAL for our health in mind, body, and soul. 


Rest is when our body heals; our soul recharges, and our brain prunes and sorts memories, experiences, and emotions for optimal emotional intelligence.


You do not need to compromise sleep and rest for success.  


If anything, you need to prioritize rest for your success.


When you are burnt out, sleep deprived, and crippled by your thoughts, you keep yourself at a standstill. 


It's time for this change. 


In this meditation bundle, you will receive:


- 18-minute Bedtime Clearing & Gratitude Activation, I take you on a daily reflection to help you release what didn't serve you today, an energy-clearing visualization, breathwork, suggestive therapy, gratitude reflection, and an affirmation practice to help you train your brain to adopt supportive thoughts of gratitude. 


-Bedtime heart activation & mind rewiring: This 20 minute meditation practice provides suggestive therapy, breathwork, affirmations, and visualization/imagery work to help you heal & transform the state of your mind/heart.


- Bedtime Activation & Affirmation: This simple 19-minute meditation takes you on an affirmative journey to help you calm your nervous system and retrain your brain to allow rest to be a norm with suggestive therapy, affirmation, and high-frequency music to help stimulate healthy brain waves.




If you are ready to end your day productively with mindfulness and intention, dive into this meditation practice. 


*you will receive a pre-recorded digital file directly after purchase

*No refunds will be provided due to the digital nature of the content. 

Bedtime Meditation Bundle

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